
Who is friends?

You can add other registered accounts as friends to your account.

What does adding as a friend give?

Adding as a friend gives you easier access to some of your data

How to add a friend?

Sign in in to your account.
➔ Go to personal area (top menu → Settings)
➔ Go to the “Friends” tab and press “Search for new friends

➔ In the form, fill in the field “Nickname” friend's account login. Also you can select a country for a more precise search
➔ Click the “Find” button

If there are users registered in the system that match the search criteria, you will see a list of them.

➔ Click on the username of the desired user.
➔ On the user's information page, send him a friend invitation (press “Invite to be your friend” button).

➔ Optionally, write an accompanying text so that the user recognizes and adds you.
➔ Preess “Invite to be your friend” button in invitation area.

How to confirm/reject invitation

➔ Go to personal area (top menu → Settings)
➔ Go to the “Friends” tab
➔ You will see a block “They want to add you:”, press on user login

➔ In the block you will see invitation information.
➔ Accept or reject invitation

How to cancel invitation

If you want to cancel an invitation:

➔ Go to personal area (top menu → Settings)
➔ Go to the “Friends” tab
➔ You will see a block “Friends awaiting your acceptance:”, press on user login

Press button “Cancel invitation

How to delete friends

➔ Go to personal area (top menu → Settings)
➔ Go to the “Friends” tab
➔ Go to the “My freinds” tab
➔ Find user and press on login

➔ On the user's information page press button “Remove from the friends list
➔ Confirm your choise and user will be deleted